Group Summaries

Imagine that you are three years old and someone asks you to take a pile of Lego bricks and count the number of bricks of each color. How would you do this?

If you are a smart three year old you would intuitively use the following algorithm: First divide all bricks into separate piles of identical color, i.e., a pile of red bricks, another of green bricks and so on, and then count the number bricks in each pile. Easy.

Now imagine that you are a 25 year old analyst and your manager asks you to take the company customer database and compute average transaction size per customer for the most recent quarter. This is essentially the Lego problem and you should solve it the same way: First divide transactions into “customer piles” and then compute the average of each pile. This idea of taking a collection of objects and first sorting them and then performing some operation is also the foundation of many modern large scale computing frameworks such as MapReduce.

Grouped Data Summaries in Business Analytics

Whenever you are faced with an objective like the ones above, you should think: Python and the pandas library or R and the tidyverse library. These are packages for performing group operations (and many other things of course). Once you understand how to do this, it will change your life as a data scientist and - quite possibly - permanently make you are a happier person. Seriously.

The basic structure of a group statement is

1.Take some data 2.Define the group assignments for the data 3.Perform some operation on each group

Let us try this out on some real data. As always, you can code and data here:

Case Study: Retail Transactions

Let’s start out by looking at the same transaction data we used in the relation data module here. We will see how a variety of interesting data summaries easily can be carried out using group-by statements.

Let’s start with a simple objective: What is the total sales (in dollars) for each product (UPC) in the data? Recall that this data is transactions of different products for different stores in different weeks. The current objective requires us to group the data (i.e., rows of the data file) into buckets defined by UPC. For each of the UPC-buckets, we then simply sum the sales (SPEND) to get at the required metric.

We start by importing the polars library and reading in the data:

import polars as pl

transactions = pl.read_csv('data/transactions.csv')
products = pl.read_csv('data/products.csv')
stores  = pl.read_csv('data/stores.csv')

We can then use the groupby function in pandas to group rows by UPC and then sum sales within all rows for the same UPC:

salesUPC = transactions.groupby('UPC').agg(pl.sum('SPEND'))

We group by UPC and sum over SPEND. You can read this - left to right - like you read a recipe for cooking: First take the transactions dataframe, then group it by UPC and then sum the variable SPEND within each group. The reset_index() function at the end of the chain is to make sure that the result is a new pandas dataframe - without that we would get a pandas series. This is fine but dataframes are easier to use for later queries, e.g., merges. The result is a dataframe with one row per UPC:

shape: (5, 2)
│ UPC         ┆ SPEND     │
│ ---         ┆ ---       │
│ i64         ┆ f64       │
│ 1111038078  ┆ 113465.39 │
│ 7110410455  ┆ 73248.74  │
│ 31254742735 ┆ 296693.48 │
│ 88491201426 ┆ 954418.23 │
│ 1111009507  ┆ 346753.8  │

Note that the result is sorted by UPC by default. Suppose you wanted the result returned arranged by total SPEND instead. That’s easy - we can just add to the “recipe”:

salesUPC = transactions.groupby('UPC').agg(pl.sum('SPEND')).sort('SPEND', descending=True)

Ok - now let’s find the 5 weeks with the highest sales (across all stores and products). In this case we just change the grouping variable to WEEK_END_DATE and then grab the top 5 rows in the sorted dataframe:

salesWeek = transactions.groupby('WEEK_END_DATE').agg(pl.sum('SPEND'))
top5salesWeek = salesWeek.sort('SPEND', descending=True).head(5)
shape: (5, 2)
│ ---           ┆ ---       │
│ str           ┆ f64       │
│ 13-Jan-10     ┆ 261133.84 │
│ 6-Jan-10      ┆ 254203.56 │
│ 9-Feb-11      ┆ 245929.22 │
│ 3-Mar-10      ┆ 235027.24 │
│ 9-Dec-09      ┆ 233886.03 │

Rather than look at UPCs or weeks, now let’s assume that we wanted to find the total sales for each of the four product categories (SNACKS, CEREAL, PIZZA and ORAL HYGIENE). Since each UPCs product information is only found in the product data file, we first merge that with the transactions file and then group by CATEGORY:

transactionsProducts = transactions.join(products, on='UPC')
salesCategory = transactionsProducts.groupby('CATEGORY').agg(pl.sum('SPEND'))
shape: (4, 2)
│ CATEGORY              ┆ SPEND    │
│ ---                   ┆ ---      │
│ str                   ┆ f64      │
│ FROZEN PIZZA          ┆ 6.4596e6 │
│ BAG SNACKS            ┆ 4.7320e6 │
│ COLD CEREAL           ┆ 1.5008e7 │

We can easily generalize the group-by approach to multiple groups. For example, what is total sales by category for each store? To meet this objective, we must first merge in the product file (to get category information), then group by both STORE_NUM and CATEGORY:

salesCategoryStore = transactionsProducts.groupby(['CATEGORY','STORE_NUM']).agg(pl.sum('SPEND'))
shape: (5, 3)
│ CATEGORY              ┆ STORE_NUM ┆ SPEND    │
│ ---                   ┆ ---       ┆ ---      │
│ str                   ┆ i64       ┆ f64      │
│ BAG SNACKS            ┆ 23055     ┆ 7730.19  │
│ COLD CEREAL           ┆ 2541      ┆ 82259.67 │
│ ORAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS ┆ 17615     ┆ 23234.34 │
│ BAG SNACKS            ┆ 23061     ┆ 88277.23 │
│ BAG SNACKS            ┆ 29159     ┆ 46111.67 │

Finally, remember that we can keep adding steps in the chain of operations. For example, we might want the result above in wide format. In this case, we can just add a final pivot_table step at the end:

salesCategoryStoreWide = salesCategoryStore.pivot(values =  'SPEND', index = 'STORE_NUM',columns = 'CATEGORY')
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: In a future version of polars, the default `aggregate_function` will change from `'first'` to `None`. Please pass `'first'` to keep the current behaviour, or `None` to accept the new one.
shape: (5, 5)
│ ---       ┆ ---        ┆ ---         ┆ ---                   ┆ ---          │
│ i64       ┆ f64        ┆ f64         ┆ f64                   ┆ f64          │
│ 23055     ┆ 7730.19    ┆ 84935.97    ┆ 7730.11               ┆ 42152.96     │
│ 2541      ┆ 16084.14   ┆ 82259.67    ┆ 11965.54              ┆ 34656.53     │
│ 17615     ┆ 28017.43   ┆ 139788.43   ┆ 23234.34              ┆ 65096.92     │
│ 23061     ┆ 88277.23   ┆ 208878.41   ┆ 19951.5               ┆ 98472.77     │
│ 29159     ┆ 46111.67   ┆ 167652.55   ┆ 19101.84              ┆ 60915.59     │

Mini Case: Calculating Market Shares

A standard business analytics objective with transactional data is to calculate market shares of something, e.g., manufacturers, products, brands etc. A market share - as the name suggests - is a share of a market total, e.g., total dollar sales or total quantity sales. In this little example assume that you have been tasked with calculating the dollar sales share for each manufacturer in the COLD CEREAL product category, separately for the Ohio market (which has state code OH) and for the Texas market (code TX).

To solve an objective like this, start by thinking about which columns you need and which rows you need. If you need additional columns (i.e., more information) you need to merge the relevant dataframes. We obviously need the transactions dataframe since this contains the sales data. Is that enough? No - since this dataframe only has a UPC code and we can’t tell from this which UPCs belong to the COLD CEREAL category. To solve that problem we can merge in the products dataframe by UPC (which allows us to match UPC to product category):

salesProduct = transactions.join(products, on='UPC')
column_list = salesProduct.columns


Is that enough information to solve the objective? No - since we don’t know which of the stores (STORE_NUM) are located in Ohio and Texas. So we need to do a second merge, where we add the stores dataframe:

salesProductStore = salesProduct.join(stores, left_on='STORE_NUM', right_on='STORE_ID')
column_list = salesProductStore.columns


Ok - now we have all the columns we need. Do we need all the rows or only a subset? Well no - we only need the rows for the COLD CEREAL category AND the rows for the Ohio stores:

theCategory = ['COLD CEREAL']
theStates = ['OH','TX']

salesCerealOH = salesProductStore.filter((pl.col('CATEGORY') == 'COLD CEREAL') & (pl.col('ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE') == 'OH'))
shape: (67_744, 25)
│ ATE        ┆ ---       ┆ ---        ┆ ---   ┆   ┆ NAME       ┆ PACE_QTY  ┆ A_SIZE_NU ┆ Y_BASKETS │
│ ---        ┆ i64       ┆ i64        ┆ i64   ┆   ┆ ---        ┆ ---       ┆ M         ┆ ---       │
│ str        ┆           ┆            ┆       ┆   ┆ str        ┆ i64       ┆ ---       ┆ i64       │
│            ┆           ┆            ┆       ┆   ┆            ┆           ┆ i64       ┆           │
│ 14-Jan-09  ┆ 387       ┆ 1111085319 ┆ 28    ┆ … ┆ UPSCALE    ┆ 270       ┆ 44547     ┆ 22867     │
│ 14-Jan-09  ┆ 387       ┆ 1111085345 ┆ 38    ┆ … ┆ UPSCALE    ┆ 270       ┆ 44547     ┆ 22867     │
│ 14-Jan-09  ┆ 387       ┆ 1111085350 ┆ 87    ┆ … ┆ UPSCALE    ┆ 270       ┆ 44547     ┆ 22867     │
│ 14-Jan-09  ┆ 387       ┆ 1600027527 ┆ 74    ┆ … ┆ UPSCALE    ┆ 270       ┆ 44547     ┆ 22867     │
│ …          ┆ …         ┆ …          ┆ …     ┆ … ┆ …          ┆ …         ┆ …         ┆ …         │
│ 4-Jan-12   ┆ 28909     ┆ 3800039118 ┆ 17    ┆ … ┆ MAINSTREAM ┆ null      ┆ 85876     ┆ 28986     │
│ 4-Jan-12   ┆ 28909     ┆ 8849120142 ┆ 8     ┆ … ┆ MAINSTREAM ┆ null      ┆ 85876     ┆ 28986     │
│            ┆           ┆ 6          ┆       ┆   ┆            ┆           ┆           ┆           │
│ 4-Jan-12   ┆ 28909     ┆ 8849120142 ┆ 13    ┆ … ┆ MAINSTREAM ┆ null      ┆ 85876     ┆ 28986     │
│            ┆           ┆ 7          ┆       ┆   ┆            ┆           ┆           ┆           │
│ 4-Jan-12   ┆ 28909     ┆ 8849121297 ┆ 112   ┆ … ┆ MAINSTREAM ┆ null      ┆ 85876     ┆ 28986     │
│            ┆           ┆ 1          ┆       ┆   ┆            ┆           ┆           ┆           │

Let’s start with a simple objective: What is the total sales (in dollars) for each product (UPC) in the data? Recall that this data is transactions of different products for different stores in different weeks. The current objective requires us to group the data (i.e., rows of the data file) into buckets defined by UPC. For each of the UPC-buckets, we then simply sum the sales (SPEND) to get at the required metric.

We start by importing the pandas library and reading in the data:

import pandas as pd

transactions = pd.read_csv('data/transactions.csv')
products = pd.read_csv('data/products.csv')
stores  = pd.read_csv('data/stores.csv')

We can then use the groupby function in pandas to group rows by UPC and then sum sales within all rows for the same UPC:

salesUPC = transactions.groupby(['UPC'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index()

We group by UPC and sum over SPEND. You can read this - left to right - like you read a recipe for cooking: First take the transactions dataframe, then group it by UPC and then sum the variable SPEND within each group. The reset_index() function at the end of the chain is to make sure that the result is a new pandas dataframe - without that we would get a pandas series. This is fine but dataframes are easier to use for later queries, e.g., merges. The result is a dataframe with one row per UPC:

          UPC      SPEND
0  1111009477  912633.74
1  1111009497  715124.34
2  1111009507  346753.80
3  1111035398   95513.37
4  1111038078  113465.39

Note that the result is sorted by UPC by default. Suppose you wanted the result returned arranged by total SPEND instead. That’s easy - we can just add to the “recipe”:

salesUPC = transactions.groupby(['UPC'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index().sort_values(by=['SPEND'], ascending = False)

Ok - now let’s find the 5 weeks with the highest sales (across all stores and products). In this case we just change the grouping variable to WEEK_END_DATE and then grab the top 5 rows in the sorted dataframe:

salesWeek = transactions.groupby(['WEEK_END_DATE'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index()
print(salesWeek.sort_values(by=['SPEND'], ascending = False)[0:5])
20      13-Jan-10  261133.84
136      6-Jan-10  254203.56
151      9-Feb-11  245929.22
116      3-Mar-10  235027.24
150      9-Dec-09  233886.03

Rather than look at UPCs or weeks, now let’s assume that we wanted to find the total sales for each of the four product categories (SNACKS, CEREAL, PIZZA and ORAL HYGIENE). Since each UPCs product information is only found in the product data file, we first merge that with the transactions file and then group by CATEGORY:

transactionsProducts = transactions.merge(products, on = 'UPC')
salesCategory = transactionsProducts.groupby(['CATEGORY'])['SPEND'].sum()
BAG SNACKS                4731982.53
COLD CEREAL              15008351.27
FROZEN PIZZA              6459557.59
Name: SPEND, dtype: float64

We can easily generalize the group-by approach to multiple groups. For example, what is total sales by category for each store? To meet this objective, we must first merge in the product file (to get category information), then group by both STORE_NUM and CATEGORY:

salesCategoryStore = transactionsProducts.groupby(['CATEGORY','STORE_NUM'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index()
0  BAG SNACKS        367   20988.36
1  BAG SNACKS        387  100710.62
2  BAG SNACKS        389  137481.40
3  BAG SNACKS        613   61620.43
4  BAG SNACKS        623   32654.77

Finally, remember that we can keep adding steps in the chain of operations. For example, we might want the result above in wide format. In this case, we can just add a final pivot_table step at the end:

salesCategoryStoreWide = pd.pivot_table(salesCategoryStore,index='STORE_NUM',columns='CATEGORY',values='SPEND').reset_index()
0               367    20988.36  ...      52475.44                6871.20
1               387   100710.62  ...     102733.14               34575.06
2               389   137481.40  ...     116476.88               29707.91
3               613    61620.43  ...      89158.54               23485.61
4               623    32654.77  ...      87677.56               24244.83

[5 rows x 5 columns]

Suppose that you want to calculate multiple summaries in one groupby statement. We can solve this by creating a function that calculates any summary on each groupby subset of the data and then apply that function to each of those subsets. Here’s an example:

# Find total spend, average spend, minimum spend, maximum spend across all weeks for each
# store and category

# this function contains all the summaries we want for each of the groupby combinations
def f(x):
    d = {}
    d['totalSpend'] = x['SPEND'].sum()
    d['avgSpend'] = x['SPEND'].sum()
    d['minSpend'] = x['SPEND'].min()
    d['maxSpend'] = x['SPEND'].max()
    return pd.Series(d)

salesCategoryStoreStats = transactionsProducts.groupby(['CATEGORY','STORE_NUM']).apply(f)
                      totalSpend   avgSpend  minSpend  maxSpend
CATEGORY   STORE_NUM                                           
BAG SNACKS 367          20988.36   20988.36      0.00    106.64
           387         100710.62  100710.62      2.50    268.95
           389         137481.40  137481.40      2.00    305.14
           613          61620.43   61620.43      2.39    150.80
           623          32654.77   32654.77      1.12    107.06

Mini Case: Calculating Market Shares

A standard business analytics objective with transactional data is to calculate market shares of something, e.g., manufacturers, products, brands etc. A market share - as the name suggests - is a share of a market total, e.g., total dollar sales or total quantity sales. In this little example assume that you have been tasked with calculating the dollar sales share for each manufacturer in the COLD CEREAL product category, separately for the Ohio market (which has state code OH) and for the Texas market (code TX).

To solve an objective like this, start by thinking about which columns you need and which rows you need. If you need additional columns (i.e., more information) you need to merge the relevant dataframes. We obviously need the transactions dataframe since this contains the sales data. Is that enough? No - since this dataframe only has a UPC code and we can’t tell from this which UPCs belong to the COLD CEREAL category. To solve that problem we can merge in the products dataframe by UPC (which allows us to match UPC to product category):

salesProduct = transactions.merge(products, on = 'UPC')

Is that enough information to solve the objective? No - since we don’t know which of the stores (STORE_NUM) are located in Ohio and Texas. So we need to do a second merge, where we add the stores dataframe:

salesProductStore = salesProduct.merge(stores, left_on = 'STORE_NUM', right_on = 'STORE_ID')

Ok - now we have all the columns we need. Do we need all the rows or only a subset? Well no - we only need the rows for the COLD CEREAL category AND the rows for the Ohio and Texas stores:

theCategory = ['COLD CEREAL']
theStates = ['OH','TX']
salesCerealOH_TX = salesProductStore[salesProductStore.CATEGORY.isin(theCategory) & 

Now we have our final dataframe salesCerealOH_TX on which we can make the relevant group-by summaries. What should our group-by statement look like? Since we need to calculate market shares separately for Ohio and Texas, we can start by calculating total sales for each manufacturer in each state. This is a double group-by statement where we group by manufacturer AND state:

totalSalesStateManuf = salesCerealOH_TX.groupby(['MANUFACTURER','ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index()
0     GENERAL MI                      OH  2493264.14
1     GENERAL MI                      TX  1990374.71
2        KELLOGG                      OH  1826977.97
3        KELLOGG                      TX  1730456.97
4     POST FOODS                      OH  1079757.48
5     POST FOODS                      TX  1208496.41
6  PRIVATE LABEL                      OH  1224257.48
7  PRIVATE LABEL                      TX   664836.18
8         QUAKER                      OH   918638.91
9         QUAKER                      TX   678304.84

To get market shares we need to calculate the total size of the market for each state. We can do this with another group-by on the dataframe above (where we rename the totals asTOTAL):

totalSalesState = totalSalesStateManuf.groupby(['ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE'])['SPEND'].sum().reset_index().rename(columns={'SPEND':'TOTAL'})
0                      OH  7542895.98
1                      TX  6272469.11

Now we are almost done. We just need to merge the totals with the totalSalesStateManuf dataframe and calculate the shares:

totalSalesStateManuf = totalSalesStateManuf.merge(totalSalesState, on = 'ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE')
totalSalesStateManuf['SHARE'] = totalSalesStateManuf['SPEND']/totalSalesStateManuf['TOTAL']
0     GENERAL MI                      OH  2493264.14  7542895.98  0.330545
1        KELLOGG                      OH  1826977.97  7542895.98  0.242212
2     POST FOODS                      OH  1079757.48  7542895.98  0.143149
3  PRIVATE LABEL                      OH  1224257.48  7542895.98  0.162306
4         QUAKER                      OH   918638.91  7542895.98  0.121789
5     GENERAL MI                      TX  1990374.71  6272469.11  0.317319
6        KELLOGG                      TX  1730456.97  6272469.11  0.275881
7     POST FOODS                      TX  1208496.41  6272469.11  0.192667
8  PRIVATE LABEL                      TX   664836.18  6272469.11  0.105993
9         QUAKER                      TX   678304.84  6272469.11  0.108140

Let’s start with a simple objective: What is the total sales (in dollars) for each product (UPC) in the data? Recall that this data is transactions of different products for different stores in different weeks. The current objective requires us to group the data (i.e., rows of the data file) into buckets defined by UPC. For each of the UPC-buckets, we then simply sum the sales (SPEND) to get at the required metric.

We start by loading the required packaged and the data:


transactions <- read_csv('/data/transactions.csv')
products <- read_csv('data/products.csv')
stores <- read_csv('data/stores.csv')
Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.1.3
Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.1.3
Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.1.3
Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 4.1.3
Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 4.1.3
-- Attaching core tidyverse packages ------------------------ tidyverse 2.0.0 --
v dplyr     v readr     2.0.2     
v forcats   1.0.0          v stringr   1.5.0     
v ggplot2   3.4.2          v tibble    3.2.1     
v lubridate 1.8.0          v tidyr     1.1.4     
v purrr     0.3.4          
-- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
i Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Rows: 524950 Columns: 12
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
chr  (1): WEEK_END_DATE

i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Rows: 58 Columns: 6
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
dbl (1): UPC

i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Rows: 77 Columns: 9
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","

i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

What is the total sales (in dollars) for each product (UPC) in the data? Recall that this data is transactions of different products for different stores in different weeks. The current objective requires us to group the data (i.e., rows of the data file) into buckets defined by UPC. For each of the UPC-buckets, we then simply sum the sales (SPEND) to get at the required metric:

salesUPC <- transactions %>%
  group_by(UPC) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(SPEND))

We group by UPC and sum over SPEND. You can read this like you read a recipe for cooking. Think of the %> sign as an “and”: First take the transactions dataframe AND then group it by UPC AND sum the variable SPEND within each group. The result is a dataframe with one row per UPC:

# A tibble: 6 x 2
         UPC   total
       <dbl>   <dbl>
1 1111009477 912634.
2 1111009497 715124.
3 1111009507 346754.
4 1111035398  95513.
5 1111038078 113465.
6 1111038080  88450.

Note that we can easily add more steps to the “recipe” above - for example - add information on the UPCs and sort in descinding order of spending:

salesUPCsort <- salesUPC %>%
  inner_join(products, by = 'UPC') %>%

# A tibble: 6 x 7
       <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>        <chr>    <chr>        <chr>       
1 1600027527  2.05e6 GM HONEY N~ GENERAL MI   COLD CE~ ALL FAMILY ~ 12.25 OZ    
2 3800031838  1.48e6 KELL FROST~ KELLOGG      COLD CE~ KIDS CEREAL  15 OZ       
3 7192100339  1.44e6 DIGRN PEPP~ TOMBSTONE    FROZEN ~ PIZZA/PREMI~ 28.3 OZ     
4 1600027528  1.43e6 GM CHEERIOS GENERAL MI   COLD CE~ ALL FAMILY ~ 18 OZ       
5 1600027564  1.38e6 GM CHEERIOS GENERAL MI   COLD CE~ ALL FAMILY ~ 12 OZ       
6 3800031829  1.22e6 KELL BITE ~ KELLOGG      COLD CE~ ALL FAMILY ~ 18 OZ       

Suppose we wanted to identify the 5 weeks with the highest total weekly spending across all stores and products. Easy - we just group by the week variable WEEK_END_DATA and pick out the top 5:

salesWeek <- transactions %>%
  group_by(WEEK_END_DATE ) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(SPEND)) %>%
  top_n(5,wt = total)

# A tibble: 5 x 2
  WEEK_END_DATE   total
  <chr>           <dbl>
1 13-Jan-10     261134.
2 3-Mar-10      235027.
3 6-Jan-10      254204.
4 9-Dec-09      233886.
5 9-Feb-11      245929.

Rather than look at UPCs or weeks, now let’s assume that we wanted to find the total sales for each of the four product categories (SNACKS, CEREAL, PIZZA and ORAL HYGIENE). Since each UPCs product information is only found in the product data file, we first join that with the transactions file and then group by CATEGORY:

transactionsProduct <- transactions %>%
  inner_join(products, by = 'UPC')

salesCategory <- transactionsProduct %>%
  group_by(CATEGORY) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(SPEND))

# A tibble: 4 x 2
  CATEGORY                  total
  <chr>                     <dbl>
1 BAG SNACKS             4731983.
2 COLD CEREAL           15008351.
3 FROZEN PIZZA           6459558.

We can easily generalize the group-by approach to multiple groups. For example, what is total sales by category for each store? To meet this objective, we must first join the product file (to get category information), then group by both STORE_NUM and CATEGORY:

salesCategoryStore <- transactionsProduct %>%
  group_by(STORE_NUM,CATEGORY) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(SPEND))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'STORE_NUM'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups:   STORE_NUM [2]
  STORE_NUM CATEGORY                total
      <dbl> <chr>                   <dbl>
1       367 BAG SNACKS             20988.
2       367 COLD CEREAL           127585.
3       367 FROZEN PIZZA           52475.
4       367 ORAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS   6871.
5       387 BAG SNACKS            100711.
6       387 COLD CEREAL           241718.

Finally, remember that we can keep adding steps in the chain (by adding more lines with %>%). For example, we might want to wide format of result above. In this case, we can just add a final pivot_wider step at the end:

salesCategoryStore <- transactionsProduct %>%
  group_by(STORE_NUM,CATEGORY) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(SPEND)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = 'STORE_NUM',names_from = 'CATEGORY',values_from = 'total')
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'STORE_NUM'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 x 5
# Groups:   STORE_NUM [6]
      <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>          <dbl>                   <dbl>
1       367       20988.       127585.         52475.                   6871.
2       387      100711.       241718.        102733.                  34575.
3       389      137481.       327986.        116477.                  29708.
4       613       61620.       207302.         89159.                  23486.
5       623       32655.       165673.         87678.                  24245.
6      2277      235623.       480789.        190066.                  66659.

Suppose that you want to calculate multiple summaries in one groupby statement. Easy - you just keep adding more statements in the summarize function:

## Find total spend, average spend, minimum spend, maximum spend across all weeks for each
## store and category
salesCategoryStoreStats <- transactions %>%
  inner_join(products, by = 'UPC') %>%
  group_by(STORE_NUM,CATEGORY) %>%
  summarize(totalSpend = sum(SPEND),
            avgSpend = mean(SPEND),
            minSpend = min(SPEND),
            maxSpend = max(SPEND))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'STORE_NUM'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 x 6
# Groups:   STORE_NUM [2]
  STORE_NUM CATEGORY              totalSpend avgSpend minSpend maxSpend
      <dbl> <chr>                      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1       367 BAG SNACKS                20988.    15.2      0       107. 
2       367 COLD CEREAL              127585.    58.2      1.65    492. 
3       367 FROZEN PIZZA              52475.    39.2      3.89    250. 
4       367 ORAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS      6871.     6.63     1        39.9
5       387 BAG SNACKS               100711.    54.5      2.5     269. 
6       387 COLD CEREAL              241718.   130.       1.99    796. 

Mini Case: Calculating Market Shares

A standard business analytics objective with transactional data is to calculate market shares of something, e.g., manufacturers, products, brands etc. A market share - as the name suggests - is a share of a market total, e.g., total dollar sales or total quantity sales. In this little example assume that you have been tasked with calculating the dollar sales share for each manufacturer in the COLD CEREAL product category, separately for the Ohio market (which has state code OH) and for the Texas market (code TX).

To solve an objective like this, start by thinking about which columns you need and which rows you need. If you need additional columns (i.e., more information) you need to merge the relevant dataframes. We obviously need the transactions dataframe since this contains the sales data. Is that enough? No - since this dataframe only has a UPC code and we can’t tell from this which UPCs belong to the COLD CEREAL category. To solve that problem we can merge in the products dataframe by UPC (which allows us to match UPC to product category). Furthermore, we need to be able to match stores to states. To accomplish this, we join the stores dataframe as well. Do we need all the rows of the final dataframe? No - only the ones for the COLD CEREAL category and for the stores in Ohio and Texas. So we filter out those rows as a final step:

salesCerealOH_TX <- transactions %>%
  inner_join(products, by = 'UPC') %>%
  inner_join(stores, by = c('STORE_NUM'='STORE_ID')) %>%

Now we have our final dataframe salesCerealOH_TX on which we can make the relevant group-by summaries. What should our group-by statement look like? Since we need to calculate market shares separately for Ohio and Texas, we can start by calculating total sales for each manufacturer in each state. This is a double group-by statement where we group by manufacturer AND state:

totalSalesStateManuf <- salesCerealOH_TX %>%
  summarise(total = sum(SPEND))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE'. You can override
using the `.groups` argument.

To get market shares we need to calculate the total size of the market for each state. We can do this with another group-by on the dataframe above:

totalSalesState <- totalSalesStateManuf %>%
  summarise(totalState = sum(total))

Now we are almost done. We just need to merge the totals with the totalSalesStateManuf dataframe and calculate the shares:

totalSalesStateManuf <- totalSalesStateManuf %>%
  left_join(totalSalesState, by = 'ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE') %>%
  mutate(share = total/totalState)

# A tibble: 10 x 5
   ADDRESS_STATE_PROV_CODE MANUFACTURER     total totalState share
   <chr>                   <chr>            <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>
 1 OH                      GENERAL MI    2493264.   7542896. 0.331
 2 OH                      KELLOGG       1826978.   7542896. 0.242
 3 OH                      POST FOODS    1079757.   7542896. 0.143
 4 OH                      PRIVATE LABEL 1224257.   7542896. 0.162
 5 OH                      QUAKER         918639.   7542896. 0.122
 6 TX                      GENERAL MI    1990375.   6272469. 0.317
 7 TX                      KELLOGG       1730457.   6272469. 0.276
 8 TX                      POST FOODS    1208496.   6272469. 0.193
 9 TX                      PRIVATE LABEL  664836.   6272469. 0.106
10 TX                      QUAKER         678305.   6272469. 0.108

Case Study: Pandemic Library Checkouts

The city of Seattle’s open data portal contains a database that records the monthly checkout count of every item (mostly books) in the Seattle Public Library system. You can find the full data here.

Let’s do a quick analysis of how the global Covid-19 pandemic impacted usage of the public library system in Seattle. Here we use only data for the years 2019-2021. Did users check out more or fewer books during the pandemic compared to before? Which books were more popular during the lockdown than before? This and many other interesting questions can be answered using this database.

Since seaborn does not directly support Polars Data Frame we will stick to Pandas

We start by loading the required libraries and data and print the column names:

import pandas as pd

checkouts = pd.read_csv('data/Checkouts_by_Title.csv')
for col in checkouts.columns:
<string>:1: DtypeWarning: Columns (7) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.

Each row in the data is a (item,year,month) combination and the column Checkouts tells us how many times the corresponding item was checked out in year CheckoutYear and month CheckoutMonth.

Let’s start by looking at total checkouts by year and month. We use a group-by to get monthly totals and the plot them to inspect the trends:

import seaborn as sns
totalYearMonth = checkouts.groupby(['CheckoutYear','CheckoutMonth'])['Checkouts'].sum().reset_index()
totalYearMonth['CheckoutYear'] = totalYearMonth.CheckoutYear.astype('category')

sns.lineplot(x="CheckoutMonth", y="Checkouts",

We see a massive drop in checkouts starting in month 3 and 4 of 2020. This is consistent with the national Covid-19 emergency that was declared in mid-March 2020. Around this time many states in the US went into lockdown with businesses closing and most people working from home. In fact the Seattle Public libaries themselves were closed for a large part of 2020. Therefore it was impossible to checkout physical books from the library during this time. This explains the large drop in checkouts in early 2020.

While the libraries were closed, people could still check out digital items online. To see what these patterns look like we can focus attention on ebooks:

checkoutsE = checkouts[checkouts['MaterialType'] == 'EBOOK'] 

totalYearMonth = checkoutsE.groupby(['CheckoutYear','CheckoutMonth'])['Checkouts'].sum().reset_index()
totalYearMonth['CheckoutYear'] = totalYearMonth.CheckoutYear.astype('category')

sns.lineplot(x="CheckoutMonth", y="Checkouts",

Ok - this is interesting: We now see a large INCREASE in checkouts starting around the beginning of the lockdown. One possible explanation is simply people having more time on their hands (while working from home).

Did all types of ebook checkouts increase by the same amount or did some increase and others decrease? To answer this we can look at each book’s subject (Subjects). There are a LOT of different book subjects in the data - here we focus attention on the top 25 most frequent subjects in the data:

n = 25
topSubjects = checkoutsE['Subjects'].value_counts()[:n].index.tolist()
['Fiction, Literature', 'Fiction, Mystery', 'Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature', 'Fiction, Romance', 'Cooking & Food, Nonfiction', 'Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller', 'Fantasy, Fiction', 'Fiction, Literature, Romance', 'Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance', 'Fantasy, Fiction, Romance', 'Fiction, Science Fiction', 'Juvenile Fiction, Picture Book Fiction', 'Fiction, Suspense, Thriller', 'Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction', 'Fiction, Mystery, Thriller', 'Fiction, Thriller', 'Fantasy, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature', 'Business, Nonfiction', 'Health & Fitness, Nonfiction', 'History, Nonfiction', 'Fiction, Literature, Historical Fiction', 'Fiction, Literature, Mystery', 'Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature, Picture Book Fiction', 'Fiction, Literature, Suspense, Thriller', 'Biography & Autobiography, Nonfiction']

Since the overall level of checkouts of ebooks is increasing, we can look at the relative share of each subject and then study which subjects have increasing versus decreasing shares during the lockdown period. So we will filter out the relevant subjects, then do a three-level group-by to get total checkout counts at the (Year,Month,Subject) level and then divide by the total to get shares:

checkoutsEsub = checkoutsE[checkoutsE.Subjects.isin(topSubjects)]

totalYearMonth = totalYearMonth.rename(columns={'Checkouts':'Total'})
totalSubjectYearMonth = checkoutsEsub.groupby(['CheckoutYear','CheckoutMonth','Subjects'])['Checkouts'].sum().reset_index()
totalSubjectYearMonth = totalSubjectYearMonth.merge(totalYearMonth, on = ['CheckoutYear','CheckoutMonth'])
totalSubjectYearMonth['Share'] = totalSubjectYearMonth['Checkouts']/totalSubjectYearMonth['Total']

We drop the 2021 data, convert the year to a category to get correct colors on the visualization and the plot shares for each subject:

totalSubjectYearMonth19_20 = totalSubjectYearMonth[totalSubjectYearMonth['CheckoutYear'] != 2021] 
totalSubjectYearMonth19_20.loc[:,"CheckoutYear"] = totalSubjectYearMonth19_20.loc[:,'CheckoutYear'].astype('category')

g = sns.FacetGrid(totalSubjectYearMonth19_20, hue="CheckoutYear", col="Subjects",sharey=False,col_wrap=3,height=4.5, aspect=1)
g =, "CheckoutMonth", "Share")

These shares are quite informative. In relative terms it is clear that checkouts of ebooks for children is the main driver of the increase in overall ebook checkouts.

We start by loading the required libraries and data and then taking a peek at the data:

checkouts <- read_csv('data/Checkouts_by_Title.csv')
Rows: 9750667 Columns: 13
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
chr (9): UsageClass, CheckoutType, MaterialType, Title, ISBN, Creator, Subje...
dbl (4): CheckoutYear, CheckoutMonth, Checkouts, year

i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 6 x 13
  UsageClass CheckoutType MaterialType CheckoutYear CheckoutMonth Checkouts
  <chr>      <chr>        <chr>               <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Digital    OverDrive    EBOOK                2019             1         1
2 Digital    OverDrive    EBOOK                2019             2         1
3 Digital    OverDrive    EBOOK                2019             2         2
4 Digital    OverDrive    EBOOK                2019             3         2
5 Physical   Horizon      VIDEODISC            2019             3         2
6 Digital    OverDrive    EBOOK                2019             3         2
# i 7 more variables: Title <chr>, ISBN <chr>, Creator <chr>, Subjects <chr>,
#   Publisher <chr>, PublicationYear <chr>, year <dbl>

Each row in the data is a (item,year,month) combination and the column Checkouts tells us how many times the corresponding item was checked out in year CheckoutYear and month CheckoutMonth.

Let’s start by looking at total checkouts by year and month. We use a group-by to get monthly totals and the plot them to inspect the trends:

totalYearMonth <- checkouts %>%
  group_by(CheckoutYear,CheckoutMonth) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(Checkouts))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'CheckoutYear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
totalYearMonth %>%
  mutate(CheckoutMonth = factor(CheckoutMonth),
         CheckoutYear = factor(CheckoutYear)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CheckoutMonth, y = total, group = CheckoutYear, color = CheckoutYear)) + geom_line() +
  labs(title = 'Checkouts by Year and Month')

We see a massive drop in checkouts starting in month 3 and 4 of 2020. This is consistent with the national Covid-19 emergency that was declared in mid-March 2020. Around this time many states in the US went into lockdown with businesses closing and most people working from home. In fact the Seattle Public libaries themselves were closed for a large part of 2020. Therefore it was impossible to checkout physical books from the library during this time. This explains the large drop in checkouts in early 2020.

While the libraries were closed, people could still check out digital items online. To see what these patterns look like we can focus attention on ebooks:

checkoutsE <- checkouts %>%
  filter(MaterialType == 'EBOOK')

totalYearMonth <- checkoutsE %>%
  group_by(CheckoutYear,CheckoutMonth) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(Checkouts))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'CheckoutYear'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
totalYearMonth %>%
  mutate(CheckoutMonth = factor(CheckoutMonth),
         CheckoutYear = factor(CheckoutYear)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CheckoutMonth, y = total, group = CheckoutYear, color = CheckoutYear)) + geom_line() +
  labs(title = 'Checkouts by Year and Month',
       subtitle = 'Ebooks Only')

Ok - this is interesting: We now see a large INCREASE in checkouts starting around the beginning of the lockdown. One possible explanation is simply people having more time on their hands (while working from home).

Did all types of ebook checkouts increase by the same amount or did some increase and others decrease? To answer this we can look at each book’s subject (Subjects). There are a LOT of different book subjects in the data - here we focus attention on the top 25 most frequent subjects in the data:

topSubjects <- checkoutsE %>%
  count(Subjects, sort = T) %>%

Since the overall level of checkouts of ebooks is increasing, we can look at the relative share of each subject and then study which subjects have increasing versus decreasing shares during the lockdown period. So we will filter out the relevant subjects, then do a three-level group-by to get total checkout counts at the (Year,Month,Subject) level and then divide by the total to get shares:

totalSubjectYearMonth <- checkoutsE %>%
  filter(Subjects %in% topSubjects$Subjects) %>%
  group_by(CheckoutYear,CheckoutMonth,Subjects) %>%
  summarize(totalSubject = sum(Checkouts)) %>%
  left_join(totalYearMonth, by = c('CheckoutYear','CheckoutMonth')) %>%
  mutate(share = totalSubject/total)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'CheckoutYear', 'CheckoutMonth'. You can
override using the `.groups` argument.

The resulting dataframe has quite a bit of data, so it seems to visualize it in order to inspect all patterns:

totalSubjectYearMonth %>%
  filter(!CheckoutYear==2021) %>%
  mutate(CheckoutMonth = factor(CheckoutMonth),
         CheckoutYear = factor(CheckoutYear)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CheckoutMonth, y = share, group = CheckoutYear, color = CheckoutYear)) + geom_line() + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) + 
  labs(title = 'Ebook Subject Checkout Share by Year and Month') + 
  facet_wrap(~Subjects,scales='free',ncol = 3)

These shares are quite informative. In relative terms it is clear that checkouts of ebooks for children is the main driver of the increase in overall ebook checkouts.

Copyright © 2023 Karsten T. Hansen, All rights reserved.